Director of Youths (Head Coach)

Activity Call for Applications
The MELLIEHA SPORTS CLUB FOOTBALL NURSERY is presenting a call for applications for: Director of Youths (Head Coach).

The Mellieha Sports Club Football Nursery is accepting applications for the post of Director of Youths (Head Coach) for a period of three years from qualified persons.

One can get an application and conditions by contacting the Secretary on mobile 79208472 or by email:

Applications are accepted till Wednesday 6th June 2012 by 7.00pm.

Chris Borg

Il-MELLIEHA SPORTS CLUB FOOTBALL NURSERY tilqa’ applikazzjonijiet ghal:
Director of Youths (Head Coach).

Il-Mellieha Sports Club Football Nursery tilqa’ applikazzjonijiet ghal kariga ta’ Director of Youths (Head Coach) ghall-perjodu ta’ tliet snin minghand persuni kwalifikati.

Dawk interessati jistghu jigbru kopja ta’ l-applikazzjoni u kundizzjonijiet minghand is-Segretarju billi icemplu fuq 79208472 jew b’email fuq

L-applikazzjonijiet jaghlqu nhar l-Erbgha 6 ta’ Gunju 2012 fis-7.00pm.

Chris Borg